Wednesday, September 15, 2010


The late night news just ended with a funny story-- some guy robbed a convenience store wearing a Darth Vader mask, and our local news team made some awful-yet-hysterical puns and jokes about it! Oh, how I love a good Bad joke!

I've been unwinding from the latest session of piecing by reading some lovely ladies' blogs... I do enjoy reading about other quilters and their adventures! The ladies at bunco last night were tickled pink that I quilt, and then I made a comment about my social life being largely with women twice my age, which made them laugh even harder than some of the silliness that was already going on. What can I say, I'm an old soul, so I have to "hang out" with older people! Most people my age are out at bars, or night clubs, or some such venue... I prefer sitting in front of my sewing machine, thanks!!!!

I've been working on a disappearing nine patch, or split nine patch, whichever you want to call it-- By splitting some nine patches, I'm making my stash disappear, so I'm ok with either name!!! (See, bad joke... can't help it)

G'night, for tonight. There's another thing I like better than drinking-- SLEEPING!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm following you now, too! I was also an Old soul at a young age. I've caught up with myself though and am just old now!!! Life is sooo much fun! Oh, tell your momma Happy Birthday for me!


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