Monday, June 20, 2011

Where is the time going?

LOOK! I finished the center of my Slow Roll Cotton Boll! (That's my name for mine.... since it's taken SO.LONG.)

...and we have been having some crazy storms... like the one that brought this hail 2 weeks ago.

And our friends' oldest turned 5, so she got a sock monkey

 And here are those napkins and coasters blogger refused to post...

 And the sock monkey got a quilt, of course, made from charms of a very pretty fabric line, but one that's just not my style, so it made it really, really easy to give to a 5 year old.
 And I made pillows- this is my favorite one. Just a simple slipcover, but they add so much more interest!
And, finally, here's my CRAZY placemat. My husband is getting his own in blues/greens, to be finished soon... as soon as I figure out how to quilt it. 
Can you believe this is only some of what I've been up to?
I've been working, too! I still love my job at the golf course- it's funny how I see people from back home, and then random famous people, too- like coaches of the Colts, past players, etc. Too bad I'm a BEARS FAN THROUGH AND THROUGH!!!

Speaking of work, I need to get to bed! 
Night, all! 

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