Saturday, July 20, 2013

Changes? No changes? Does ANYONE around here know what's going on?

Last week, my friend and coworker left for his new job out in California. We're all happy for him, but sad to see him go, and sad we can't go, too. With encouragement from him and half the staff at the fitness center (including the one doing the hiring), I applied for the now-vacant position. And I hate to admit how much I want it, for fear of not getting it.

While all this is in limbo, (the position closes out next Friday, and then the waiting begins), I've been approached with a possible schedule change- basically eliminating my current classes and taking over the ab class instead, since they don't have the budget to pay me for more than 2 classes/week. That's all well and good, but now that they've proposed to change things up, OF COURSE I have first-timers showing up for my yoga and zumba classes! Class attendance has been so poor across the board that I brought running clothes yesterday, and was rather shocked to have 2 girls show up. Shocked, but thrilled. And a little bummed about not running, if I'm honest.

So it's limbo week for me. Or weeks. I'm not sure. No one seems to know much about anything for certain (ugh, flashbacks to getting the yoga class started- it took 4 months for them to get it on the schedule!). I honestly don't know what I'll be teaching on Monday.

But I'm a tumbleweed. I just roll with it.

After the circus festival run on Tuesday, I've done one other small run (about a mile), and will head out at some point today when the thunderstorms are gone. 63 days until the Air Force Marathon. Makes me want to try for double digits today. Slow and with frequent walk breaks, mimicking how the marathon will end up.

Good thing I have the Veteran's Marathon later in the year so I know I'll have one attempt at a good race, since there's no way I'll be prepared (mentally or physically!) enough to attempt a PR in 63 days!

If you made it all the way down here, THANKS!

Any plans for the weekend?

Nothing planned here. That's fine by me.

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