Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cathedral windows

I can't sell my Kindle cover. Just can't do it.


I CAN give away something that will take as much time if not longer...

See this?

It is going to be a cathedral window wine bag.

The usual conundrum has arisen where I needed a gift, but have limited spending money... so hand-made it is! And, along the lines of what it would "cost," this gift will be perfect.

It's for our friends who are graciously hosting my mom and I when we go to Florida. They have been so wonderful to our family over the years. 

All I can do is stitch my gratitude.

See, I could never charge someone an "appropriate" amount for handwork. But I can gladly give it away to a couple who deserves more thanks than words can express. 

Back to work. I have a fast-approaching deadline!

1 comment:

  1. Well, my daughter sent me your blog address and a warning that it might be addictive. I am sure she meant the cathederal window bag. I am hooked on the "windows". I love them. I have a wall hanging in the works as I write this and I would hate to add up all the hours already invested in it. Well done my dear.


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