Friday, December 7, 2012

Week wrap up

Wow, what a week. A roller coaster of emotions, but also a phenomenal start to marathon training round 2! 6.3 mile run Sunday, Zumba and Strength training Monday, 5.4 mile run Tuesday and Zumba, (Wednesdays are my sacred rest day), 3.2 mile run Thursday with more Zumba, and Zumba again today and another round of Sheila's strength training class.

Tomorrow, I tackle 10 miles- first long run of the new training schedule!

Teaching Zumba at 2 locations now is awesome, but I can honestly say I have fallen asleep on the couch every night this week. That might explain why my craft projects at the end of the couch seem to be making no progress!

These 2 have been keeping things crazy around here:

She loves her fleece jacket that I bought on Black Friday.

Watching a dog show. Yes, my dogs watch TV. A lot of TV. Their brains are probably rotten by now.
My husband leaves his shoes out. Matt makes a nest out of them.

I'm not sure what was going on, other than he was licking her head. But look at her back feet- that can't be comfortable!
Right now, the dogs are doing what I call "monster mutting." They run, and whirl, and chase each other, and go at each other like battling goats, and basically cause a ruckus. It's incredibly entertaining.

I hope to finish crocheting a shawl for my grandmother this weekend, and make more progress on my cross-stitch. After that 10 miler, of course. I'll have earned an afternoon and evening on the couch!

What do you have planned this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Haha, Sasha loves to watch TV too. The dog shows are some of her favorites. There's a show on Animal Planet called Too Cute that she loves as well.


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