Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Countdown

27 days until my surgery. 

My plan at this point is to treat it kind of like a marathon- I'm working on becoming as healthy as possible for that day- stronger, leaner, eating cleaner- in the hopes that by being in peak fitness, I'll 1) lose less fitness thanks to a better base and 2) hopefully have an easier recovery.

It works, in theory. I'll let you know how well it works in reality.

But this means I've added an ab class twice a week on top of yoga 2x, zumba 1x, and running 3-4x per week. 

I'm also eating TONS of fresh fruit (finally, some are in season!) and veggies- pears, apples, bananas, lettuce, eggplant, peppers- and whole grains like quinoa and brown rice and buckwheat. I joined the 7 day Vegetarian challenge over with Jill Conyers as a way to jumpstart the veggie loading, and will continue massive quantities of fresh veggies once I add meat back in (don't worry, I love bacon and burgers- and bacon cheddar burgers- too much to ever be completely vegetarian).

In the meantime, I feel like the universe has decided to balance out all the bad news lately with good news- I've won a couple small giveaways this week, including this sweet Race kred:

I put it on my New Balance shoes that I wear for cross-training. I love it. A couple ladies from the Silver Sneakers class (I went today since I'll be subbing on Tuesday- introduced myself and reassured them I won't be too hard) asked me about it, and one even started reminiscing about when she used to run before she had heart surgery at 79. She's 82 now and still active!

What do you think about my get lean plan? Ever tried anything like it if you knew you were going to have to take time off? Doesn't seem that much different (to me) than when ladies get super fit before pregnancy.

Any advice how to avoid going stir-crazy? I bought a new cross stitch pattern for after surgery, but would love other suggestions- favorite books? movies? I don't do rest well, ever.


  1. I love your plan. I think it will give you away to divert attention and get yourself in fighting shape. The stronger you are, the stronger you'll recover.

    If you don't have it, try to get Netflix streaming. I only survived maternity leave because of it. I watched four seasons of "Mad Men," and "House of Cards" is good. Oh, and "Bates Motel" on A&E is awesome.

  2. I think it is a great plan. The better you are doing before the faster you will recover, you also have a great attitude about it which is pretty key also.

    Netflix streaming would be great, i agree with Kim!


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